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Tag Archives: buy a house in bc

Financial Lockdown Fuels Market Shift.

The southern BC Markets have shifted, with an influx of new inventory giving buyers more choices amid a slower paced sales and multiple offers have all but disappeared, for now. In the active Harrison Hot Springs market, we have seen initial listing prices quickly reduced after open house events have yielded zero offer situations. Canada’s national housing starts were down in February by 2,285 units over last year, an indicator to watch that will predict further economic pullback.

Provincial policy changes that would make housing affordable without penalizing buyers or sellers.

If the provincial government released another 2-3% of Provincial Crown Land into the private saleable holdings we would see an immediate and lasting impact on the real estate market as supply would increase dramatically and prices would stop their continued rise. The uplifting economic benefits of homeownership could continue to grow the economy and the province and its residents would actually benefit as a result instead of being continually penalized for a population growth issue that has been neglected by governing bodies in BC. The released crown parcels could be ear-marked for specific types of qualifying multi-unit and single family affordable housing which could actually be affordable!

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